website redesign services

Top 4 Reasons Why Website Redesign is a Necessity

Believe it or not, we are in the midst of a Fourth Industrial Revolution. The rapid velocity of today’s digital changes has interrupted all industries in the United States. It’s highly likely that the industry you’re in has evolved dramatically in the last several years.

If your business website is in perfect working order, distributing conversions, acting as an ideal brand advocate and captivating customers, then you probably don’t need a website redesign for the moment. However, it is important to keep in mind that the internet is constantly moving and the pace picks up with each day. Sooner or later, website redesign will be necessary.

It’s hard to determine how often you should undergo the meticulous task of a website redesign. However, per a reliable and respectable source – the average lifespan of a website before needing website redesign is approximately 2 and 1/2 years.

Below you will find the 4 reasons why website redesign is a necessity:

1. Website redesign doesn’t mean re-branding.

Staying in the loop with changes doesn’t mean that you have to throw away your branding efforts and message. However, routine content updates, graphical additions and/or images and fresh product information are imperative components in the upkeep of an effective website.

Over the top website redesign, is not always needed or essential. Modifications that support your website in functionality and that meet your marketing goals are the changes that are encouraged, as they deliver results.

Simultaneously, keep your customers in mind. Although customers accept changes in technology and in the way they purchase products, they often don’t like dramatic changes to familiar websites. This is true even if an updated design is better.

An effectual website redesign comes from a deep understanding of why your current website isn’t delivering KPIs any longer. If your business website is no longer an effective, lead generation tool, that means you should take the time to evaluate how your visitors have changed. Technology has changed. Therefore, your business has changed as well.

2. Customer expectations change.

Take first impressions seriously, as it turns out that they do count… Visitors first impressions of your business are usually based on your website. The most important component when you make the decision of website redesign is in the change of your customer expectations in the last several years.

Customers are typically conservative and may view redesigns with presumptions. The manner in which visitors and/or customers relate to your business website has not remained inert. Customers are often impatient with websites that are not responsive, not user-friendly or take longer to load. Such features need to be updated when redesigning your website.

3. Align your website redesign to buyer personas.

Are you certain that your website continues providing information, which buyer personas are searching for? If your business website does not look appealing, does not have a mobile version or loads slowly, it is more than likely that visitors will move on to another business website.

Remember, your website is the number one team member of a sales team. Your website is working 24/7 to develop positive impressions to visitors and to also, bring prospects crucial information that is needed. For this reason, it is of utter importance to custom your website redesign to specific buyer personas’ journeys.

A thought out visitor journey will take into consideration buyer’s demands and goals. It will keep them on the path of your sales funnel.

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4. Standards in web design are changing.

Remaining in the loop with modern and/or current website design trends may not appear to be a reason for a website redesign. However, in many cases – website redesign can have a great impact on traffic, which will result in better conversion rates.

Website redesign standards on the internet have always been a mixture of what can be done within limitations of a technical nature and in what is trending. Now, as technical limitations have dissipated – websites that are still utilizing older website design elements are starting to look out-dated.

As most things, website design components don’t stay in style for too long. Visitors and/or customers of your website usually can’t determine, which elements are out of style or trending. However, their instincts will tell them when a website is looking dated and can use website redesign services.

As you can see, it is very important for any business to have updated, responsive and user-friendly websites, that customers can relate to without being overwhelmed by dramatic and abrupt changes in your website. Nonetheless, website redesign is something that will have to be addressed at some point or another due to the constant changes in technology and on the web.

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