video blogs | atlanta web design

Marketing Monday # 13 – Video Blogs Kick the New Year into High Gear!

Happy New Year!  It’s the start to a new year and time to implement some tactics that will drive your site in the direction you want it to go…quickly!  For that reason, we’re revisiting a topic covered in late 2013.  Video blogs!  (If you’d like to recap on the article previously posted, click here.)

The number one reason to utilize video blogs on your site is because people love to watch videos, yet it is still one of the lesser-used sources by businesses of communicating with (potential) clients.  Due to this, implementing video blogs automatically gives you an advantage over many other blogs and/or businesses promoting via the web.  Why would you pass up something that gives you an immediate leg up? Implement this today, as one of your first changes in 2014!

Start small – Determine your business purpose for utilizing video.

  • Putting a face to your business?  This builds trust and engagement with your viewers.
  • Explaining products?  Video is one of the best ways to do this.  What you can show and say in 3 minutes can take thousands of written words in a post, which will, most likely, drive visitors away.  (People want things immediately and concisely.)
  • Attracting new viewers?  Creating an engaging video will help with this tremendously.  Think outside the box; it can be funny or a skit; it’s doesn’t have to be “all business”.  Then embed the completed video onto your site, post it on YouTube and allow it to be embedded by others.
  • Show visitors other people who use and love your product/site?  Interviews are definitely more engaging when seen verses being heard.

Now that you have determined why you want to use video blogs, let’s discuss how to do them.  Luckily for us, most computers come with built in cameras, microphones and video editing software.  Of course, these aren’t the best of the best but it works for the purpose of starting small.  Set up your environment to be pleasing (unless doing a “how to” – if so, set it up as necessary) and start recording.  Once complete, if you need to edit it, use the software that came with your computer.  You may need assistance in this area and if so, reach out for help.  However, the beauty of these types of videos is that if you plan them out, including scripting them, you probably won’t need to edit much, if anything.

If this isn’t your speed and you want to dive in head first, hire a firm to assist you with making a video.  There are many firms out here that will create professional videos for your site.  We happen to be one of them so if this is your speed let us know!

Getting the video onto YouTube is simple.  Create an account and click the “upload video” link.  YouTube will send you an email letting you know once the upload is complete.  You can also embed your YouTube video onto your site.  To do this locate the embed option on the page.  Copy the contents and paste it onto your page, in the location where you want the video to appear.

Another, easy way to complete this is to copy the link of the video and insert the link in the location of choice on your site.  Once people click the link the video will open up for viewing.

To embed the video directly onto your site by using a media play, such as Windows Media Player or QuickTime Movie, you must have a little bit more technical know how (or read some more information).  You’ll need the code for the media player of choice.  You’ll then need to locate the file on your site and insert the code into your webpage.  Again, this requires a bit more technical information so if you need help we are able and willing.

I hope this gets you started in the right direction.  Once you get started you may enjoy it so much that it becomes your preferred blogging method.  If you need help or desire to move into professionally crafted videos, contact us for your needs.