Video Marketing » Atlanta Web Design » Web Development
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Marketing Monday #9 – Marketing through Video: You Want to Start!

If you aren’t using video as a marketing tool, it’s time for something new.  Videos appear on the Internet everywhere you turn.  There are video clips galore, no matter the subject matter or posting source.  Media, of course, uses video, people post videos for all kinds of reasons and businesses are using video to promote their businesses.  It is said that YouTube is the 2nd highest visited search engine in the world.  People love watching videos and it would be beneficial to more businesses to understand the high potential of using video as a marketing tool. 

Why is video moving through the Internet like wildfire?  People love watching videos.  Watching people explain and/or show something is much more interesting than reading text that says same thing.  Video enables personality to shine through and people are engaged by various personalities.  Videos can be used to demonstrate and it’s much easier to watch someone do something than to follow written instructions step by step.  People can easily share video and are very prone to sharing videos that they enjoyed.  Another reason that video is in high demand is the vast ways in which to watch video – tablets, computers, phones, TVs, to name a few.  However, these devices allow people to access video no matter where they are, no matter what time of day or night.  Finally, but definitely not an all-encompassing list, videos are searchable (so they increase your SEO just as any text that you add to your site).

Now that we explored why video is so exciting and, hopefully, have intrigued you enough to get you a bit excited, let’s explore the types of video you can post.

Simple talking video

You’ve seen these, they are low production cost, and most seem to be done on the person’s laptop.  The person is talking in the video about a product or service.  This video isn’t high tech and it’s not dramatic; it’s to the point and, most of all, informative.


Who said you have to be in your video?  Presentation videos show a PowerPoint presentation as someone narrates to explain the points of the slide.  This one is great if you don’t want to be on camera!


Instead of written testimonials, have your clients create video testimonials.  These are so powerful.  They’re quick, to the point and an endorsement for you and/or your product or service.


Film your interviews with partners/clients/associates and post them on your site.  These videos can also show interviews conducted online through most video chat services.

These are just a few of the ways in which you can use video on your site to promote your product or service.  There are so many ways that the possibilities really are endless.  A lot of you may think that you aren’t equipped to produce a video and therefore don’t think it’s the method for you.  Stop going down that line of thinking right now!  These days the ability to create video is just as available as the ability to view video.  Use the video camera on your computer or smart phone.  If you’re looking for something a little sharper, small HD cameras are sold for not much money.  When thinking of locations, pay attention to your background and make it inviting.  One exception to this may be if you’re demonstrating something.  If so, use the area needed to complete the demonstration.  If you want something more professional looking, contact us!  We produce videos of all kinds and will be glad to help you launch your video marketing.