atlanta marketing grader

The Ultimate Website Grading Tool that You Can Learn About Today

One of our most requested services is our SEO. Google algorithms are constantly changing, and to maintain a good ranking, you need to keep up to date. When clients request our help, we first assess their site to determine which areas need the most attention. Today we would like to share with you a great tool that’ll help you understand where you are with your site in terms of marketing. Are you ready?

This tool is called Marketing Grader and it’s created by a company named Hubspot. The process is pretty simple: you type in the name of your site and the Grader inspects it. (Keep in mind that the larger your site, the longer it will take since it looks at every page.) Then it gives you a grade and some suggestions.

The Grader separates the results into three sections based on the marketing funnel strategy. The top of the funnel is the most important part, as it checks that you have all the right tools to make your site easy to find. It will determine if you have a blog, how often you are blogging, if your titles are unique and within the suggested length, if your site is easy to share, if it’s mobile friendly, etc. Improving things in this section should be your highest priority, especially since many of them require simple solutions that can be executed within a short amount of time.Even when you’ve fixed your top-of-the-funnel issues and are getting lots of traffic to your site, it might still not be doing what you want. The middle of the funnel therefore focuses on checking for ROI (return on investment) solutions. The more ways you have to invite your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, return to or share your site, or view your products or services more often, the more likely they will be to eventually find something they’ll want or need.The end of the funnel is a simple task on which every site should score 100%—analytics. Now that you are getting great traffic, and customers are signing up to your newsletter and purchasing your goods, are they coming back for more? Or are they only stopping once and never visiting your site again? This will show you what percentage of your traffic is generated by returning visitors.

We hope this tool will give you an idea of what we can improve on your site. Feel free to contact us if you need assistance.See you soon!