Marketing Monday #5: How PPC Can Help By Using Adwords and Facebook Campaigns
Pay per click marketing (PPC), is a very strategic and effective online marketing tool which can be created using several effective methods such as Google Adwords and Facebook campaigns. PPC is an online advertising tool used to send traffic to your site from search engines. Search engines populate based on keywords, which are the words/phrases that people search for. On the search engine pages, there are organic results, which are non-paid results and then paid results, which usually appear at the top and right side of the search page. The paid results are the PPC ads.
In order to utilize PPC and have your ads appear in the paid results area you must create a PPC campaign. An effective tool to create PPC campaigns is, Adwords, which is Google’s PPC tool. Adwords campaigns are built using keywords that are most relevant to your website. Keyword research is crucial to effective PPC marketing. Focus on niche keywords verses broad keywords. Once the copy is written, the ad must be submitted and bid against other marketers for a ranking. Depending on the bid price and the Quality Score, which is highly based on keyword relevance, the ad is listed in a ranking order. The higher the Quality score and bid price, the higher up the ad will appear in the paid add space. PPC campaigns are based on daily budgets and will continue to bid and appear until your daily limit has hit. The desire is that the ad reaches customers with effective ROI, without having to bid at the highest price.
Another effective marketing tool, also based on the PPC structure, is Facebook campaigns. Facebook campaigns function much in the same way as other PPC campaigns. Create a relevant ad and bid on pricing based in the target audience. However, one big difference in Facebook campaigns is the ability to group ads based on people’s interests. This opens up a whole new world to advertisers and allows the ability to hone in on specific focuses. There are two options for interests, which are broad and specific. The broad interests are not as advantageous to campaigns, as they pull in a massive group of people who may like baseball; this can be thousands to millions of people. The specific interest categorization enables the ability to focus on people who purchase Baseball Magazine and /or Rawlings Baseball Mitts. By narrowing the audience down to specifics, you have a higher chance of reaching people to whom your product is relevant and who will complete an action on your site (purchase, sign up for a newsletter, etc.)
Other important aspects to note when creating a Facebook campaign are that people do not go on Facebook to purchase products. Due to this, marketing strategies should focus on what is seen long term ROI, not the short term. The goal is for consumers complete an action on your site that will continue to connect them to the site such as a newsletter, sign up for an RSS feed, etc.
Additionally, pictures can be used in Facebook campaigns. Be sure to use relevant pictures for your demographic and people like to see people…up close. The space for pictures is small which make close ups more effective than distant images.
Lastly, make your ad copy engaging and appealing; be sure to include a call to action!
PPC campaigns can be very effective but if done wrong can be very costly with low ROI. Focusing on keywords can be a tedious process but will effectively focus the campaign. If you run into trouble or feel overwhelmed, we are always here to assist. Feel free to contact us with any questions or PPC marketing assistance.