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Marketing Monday #8: Your Home Page- It’s Important!

Your home page is to your website, what curb appeal is to a house.  When you go house searching, unless you’re seeking a rehab center like the one at, you are seeking a house that appears attractive, well kept and as if it may have more to offer.  People have the same mindset when they browse websites.  The home page must intrigue your reader enough for them to want to know more. When people want to know more they will go to other areas of your site to explore more information, which is what you want. 

Thanks to links and SEO, people may enter your site through other pages, which bypass the home page.  People usually stumble upon websites through search engines without knowing much about the business. However, many people eventually head to the home page in order to understand what your business is about.  This is why your home page has to be set up correctly to do its job effectively.

The job of the home page is to grab the attention of person browsing.  There are several elements that function together to accomplish this goal.  However, these elements are all working towards providing answers to the following questions:

  • What does the business do?
  • How it can help me or why do I need it?
  • Why is this particular business better than others in the same space?
  • What do you want me to do?

Design is one element in which your home page works to convey these messages.  A drab, cut and dry design with the wording will lose out to a site with appealing design elements using the same wording.  Design elements, in the right combination of balance, include color, shapes, and the page layout.

Content is another key element, as it brings people to your site and it lets them know why they want to do business with you.  Your content should provide the answers to the questions above.  Use words that evoke emotions such as urgency, desire, and excitement.  Emotions cause people to want to respond and this is what you want.  Additionally, the content must not leave people wondering.  Tell them what you do and how you do it in the clearest way possible.

Lastly, do not let people leave your site without knowing what you want, which may be signing up for your newsletter or checking out a special offer.  Whatever it is, let them know! Otherwise you have just provided a nice read and the person moves on to the next site.

It is a difficult thing to bring the right balance to all factors of a great homepage.  If you find yourself stuck or do not desire to attempt this on your own, feel free to contact us.  We will design an attention grabbing home page that fits your needs.