seo tips

5 Strategic SEO Tips that will Increase Traffic to your Website

Do you want to lead a successful SEO campaign that will drive more traffic to your business website? We bet you do… And for this reason, we bring to you 5 SEO Tips that will increase the visibility of your website, therefore driving more visitors to your website, as your website begins to rank on the first pages of leading search engines.

Follow these 5 strategic SEO Tips and we can assure you that you will have a successful SEO campaign.

Keywords Must be Implemented Strategically.

Keyword research is paramount, as keywords will set the platform for your organic campaign. The keywords that you use will be of absolute importance for any SEO marketing campaign. Do not be vague when it comes to keywords.

With that being said – be as specific as possible. For example, if you were to search a key phrase such as, “bird food” you will see that it’s mainly being used by individuals, who are looking to obtain news or information on bird food. However, if you were to search something more specific like “bird food for exotic birds,” you’ll notice that the results are more particular to the subject matter.

Keywords and keyword phrases should be precise to your company and/or business and they should also, be conversational in nature and not have too much of a marketing tone. Think about the way you organically conduct searches on the internet…

Although, keywords are the foundation of your understanding of your competitors and targeting market – attempting to rank for a #1 position on search engines might be difficult. This is especially true if you’re just getting started. For this reason, we recommend that you utilize a long tail approach for keywords, which will drive a more targeted audience to your website, that will result in more conversions.

Modify your Website’s Internal Links & Navigation.

How your website navigation is modified and/or customized plays a key role on how search engines determine the relevance and importance of all the pages on your website. The more frequent a page is linked within your website, the more likely it is that your website will rank on search engine result pages.

You can begin optimizing your website’s internal links navigation, and PageRank flow, by auditing all the pages of your website utilizing tools, such as – SiteLiner. These tools will analyze your website and identify pages on your website that doesn’t have much content, such as, “contact pages,” but obtain a high level of traffic. This type of traffic can cause confusion and it’s best if redirected to more important pages on your website.

Furthermore, you can consult with an SEO professional to safely “no index” all your website pages, that contain duplicate content, which often happens in tag archives and category on a WordPress content management. You can use an array of WordPress plugins to execute this action. However, if you are not sure on how to use WordPress plugins, such as Yoast SEO, then we advise you to obtain a professional, as when these plugins are used incorrectly, they can affect your website’s rankings in a negative way.

Optimize ALL Pages on your Website.

Title tags are important and relevant when it comes to SEO best practices. Meta descriptions are not as important to ranking algorithms as they once were. However, they still remain as an ideal spot for savvy, marketing in the form of creative and engaging content, which will bring in more traffic from search engine result pages.

Meta descriptions and title tags should be used on all pages of your website and should be maintained to remain relevant.

● Increase your Website’s Speed.

Your website’s load speed is another very important element, which is of key importance when ranking on different search engines. The load speed on your website will also, determine if visitors to your website will convert or bounce off. Many professionals do not take load speed into consideration and do not optimize their speed. This is a mistake.

Earn Links – Do Not Buy Links.

The quantity and quality of links have an impactful effect on your website rankings. Although you may feel compelled to buy links for your website, we recommend that you don’t, as it is against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Moreover, search engines can now detect and identify manipulated links and if you are detected, the rankings for your website will be significantly affected.

Don’t spend money on low-grade links, instead take the time in producing content that will actually earn and draw in inbound links all on their own effort.

When you consistently adopt the 5 SEO Tips listed above, you can be sure, that you’ll have a strong and rewarding SEO campaign. Follow these 5 SEO Tips that are easy to implement, but essential and you will start seeing the rewarding results before you know it…

If you need more assistance, beyond these 5 SEO Tips, be sure to contact the SEO professionals at Ultimate Marketing Group in Atlanta, Georgia and obtain top SEO services from highly regarded SEO specialists.